Start With Three Layers of that IoT technology stack
- The first is the IoT device level; as without accurate sensors, actuators and IoT devices in general, no accurate data and without accurate data no Internet of Things, let alone IoT projects or products/services.
- The second is the IoT gateway, which we covered more in-depth but deserves a spot as a layer and certainly in an overview of the IoT device layer with which it is strongly connected and for which is a necessary level towards the next steps of actionable data and business applications or consumer apps and services.
- The third is the IoT platform layer where we connect with the business and consumer applications and services, as well as the development of these services and the management and interconnection with the first two layers.
Others include IoT gateways which enable to actually do something with all the data coming from ‘IoT-enabled’ things or connected objects. However, we won’t count IoT gateways as IoT devices as some do; it’s a different IoT technology layer and not even necessarily hardware as we’ll see.
Read More: iot network
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